Rankia 2024 Award
Horos Internacional, PP
Plan de Pensiones
Horos Internacional, PP, is a pension plan that replicates our global equity strategy based on value investing, with an attractive long-term expected return.
Pension Plan
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Horos Internacional, PP is a pension plan that promotes voluntary savings, in which you can make periodic contributions that will help you to complete your retirement pension.
What is a pension plan?
As you may already know, the public pension system in Spain is hardly sustainable in the long term. For this reason, it is increasingly important to promote savings and private pension plans, in order to ensure a sufficient income and a good standard of living in retirement.
What are the highlights of this pension plan?
Our pension plans are designed to supplement your retirement pension and allow you to do it easily and at your own pace:
Minimum investment amount of €50
You will have the flexibility to make additional investments, a minimum of €50, periodically, or whenever you prefer, we adapt to your needs and financial possibilities.
Redeemable after 10 years
Investors are entitled to redeem contributions of at least 10 years old or after retirement, disability, death, long-term unemployment, etc. or other special situations included in the law.
Tax benefits
As a pension plan, you will be able to deduct up to €1,500 annually in your income tax return.
Transfer your pension plan to Horos
You will be able to transfer your current pension plans from other entities to Horos without complications.
Would you like to learn more about the Horos Internacional, PP, pension plan?
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Top Holdings
These are some of the companies that occupy the top positions in our portfolio in terms of invested capital as a percentage of total assets under management.

Catalana Occidente

Liberty Group

Investment objective
The objective of this pension plan is to offer an adequate long-term return to its investors, with the possibility of redeeming contributions of at least 10 years old or after retirement, disability, death, long-term unemployment, etc. or in other special situations included in the law.
Historic performance
YTD Return
Accumulated return throughout the year (since 01/01)
*Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The plan investments are subject to market fluctuations and other risks related to investing in securities, therefore the returns obtained may experience upward or downward variations and the investor may not get back the amount initially invested. Investment or divestment decisions in the plan must be made by the investor in accordance with the legal documents at all times, and in particular on the basis of the plan's Regulations and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), accompanied, if applicable, by the Annual Report and the last Quarterly Report. All this information, and any other you may need, will be available at the investment manager's headquarters and website: www.horosam.com.

With our exclusive App, you can follow the progress of your savings and their performance in real time. In addition, you can carry out your transactions with total comfort and security, from anywhere and at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are pension plans?
They are long-term savings instruments whose objective is to build up capital to cover the contingencies specified in the fund, such as retirement, disability in its various degrees, severe dependency, great dependency or death, long-term unemployment, among others.
How do you sign up as a client in Horos pension plans?
You can register directly on our website at this link. During the registration process, we will request your personal information, tax address, and we will require you to complete a convenience test and a knowledge test. At the end of the registration, you must tell us whether your operation corresponds to an extraordinary contribution or an entry transfer from another pension plan. You will also have to upload a copy of your ID or send it to info@horosam.com to complete the process.
How can a pension plan be withdrawn?
The investment can be redeemed in the event of various contingencies, such as retirement, disability, long-term unemployment or death (redemption by the beneficiaries). In addition, the possibility of redemption is considered in situations of prolonged unemployment after exhausting the contributory benefit and in cases of serious illness affecting the participant, his/her spouse, ascendants or descendants. Furthermore, the option of redemption after 10 years is established. With the tax reform implemented by the government since January 2015, pension funds can be redeemed after 10 years have elapsed since their contracting, without the need for additional justification. It is important to note that, even if a 10-year seniority has been reached by 31 December 2014, the benefit cannot begin to be received under this condition until 2025.
What is the limit on contributions?
The limit on contributions for the Individual Pension Plan is €1,500 per year.
Can I have a pension plan with two different entities at the same time?
Yes, it is possible to have the same pension plan with two different marketing entities, or even have it directly with us and with a third entity.
Do you have more questions?
Visit the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section
Transfer your investment fund to HOROS and improve the profitability of your savings
Do you have capital invested in funds with such low returns that they barely beat inflation? The Horos management team, specialized in variable income, has multiplied its participants' money by 4 since 2012, with a 12% annualized return, net of commissions, in said period.
You've probably heard that investing in stocks is risky because they fluctuate more than other assets. If your time horizon when investing is 5 or more years, this volatility should be seen as an opportunity to buy assets with high revaluation potential at a better price. And, despite all the events that have happened, and will continue to happen, throughout history, equities are, by far, the most profitable asset of the last 200 years.
Transfer your investment fund to Horos and invest with the management team that leads profitability in this type of asset in the last 5 years among managers domiciled in Spain*.
*VDOS: “Map of investment fund managers” 3T24.

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