Actualidad y publicaciones de Horos
Lee algunas de las noticias donde hemos sido mencionados, así como algunas de las entrevistas realizadas a nuestros gestores. Accede además a las cartas trimestrales para nuestros coinversores, donde se detallen los resultados obtenidos y otra información de interés.
Dear co-investor, The third quarter of 2024 has seen unprecedented volatility in Asian markets, with dramatic swings in the Japanese and Chinese stock markets not seen in decades. Meanwhile, in the West, equity markets have remained relatively stable, with major…...

Dear co-investor, After wrapping up the second quarter of 2024, we can highlight few new developments in financial markets. The reality is that the euphoric dynamics in the technology sector persist, to a greater or lesser extent, pushing the U.S.…...

Dear co-investor, The start of 2024 has once again been very positive for global equities, continuing the excellent performance already shown in 2023. Our Horos Value Internacional and Horos Value Iberia funds have been part of this trend, posting returns…...