Start investing right now, easily and safely
Investing may seem a complex task, only reserved to finance experts. However, it’s not that way. Now you can invest and grow your savings effortlessly. We tell you all you need to know.
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In Horos we carry out a thorough analysis of the companies we invest in, based on a value investing philosophy. Our aim is to maximize the expected return, while minimizing the risks involved.
By following this methodology, our managers have obtained excelent results, positioning our products among the best-performing mutual funds over the long run.
Know more about our investing philosophyWhat do you need to know before starting?
We know that value investing is the investment strategy with more common sense. However, it's not the most extended strategy among those who invest. For this reason, having the right aptitudes to invest in our products will be key to success. Here we explain some to you:
Markets often experience fluctuations over long periods of time, which makes patience a key ingredient of our value investing investment philosophy. Just like a new business won’t make a profit right from the start, reaping the rewards of an investment takes time. Horos products need maturation time to obtain results.
Stock market activity is full of moments of euphoria and also of panic. This can lead to making hasty decisions that are not always the best, such as selling when declines occur and the share price is more attractive. Therefore, if you have a long-term investment vision, you must prepare yourself to face difficult moments in the market.
To meet the two previous aptitudes, it’s important to take into account that the money you will be investing through Horos won’t be needed in the short term. Therefore, the right approach is to invest solely the savings you aren’t going to need for at least the next 5 years. This strategy ensures sufficient time to make the most of the investment’s growth potential and minimizes the impact of potential short-term market fluctuations.
If you want to know more about our investment philosophy or our products, please contact us. We will answer any questions you may have and advise you on the best option to achieve your goals.
Who are our products aimed at?
Our products are available to anyone who wants to get a return on their savings over a long period of time.
No minimum age required
Anyone can invest with Horos, there's no age limit. If the holder is a minor, the signature of the guardian or legal representative will be required.
No prior knowledge required
No prior or technical knowledge of investments is required to invest in Horos. We have an investment methodology that is easy and accessible to everyone.
Large capitals aren't necessary
With minimum investment ranging from €50-€100, depending on the product, which you can make periodically or at any time you prefer, thus adapting to your needs and financial possibilities.
Products for all needs and objectives
Whether you want to grow your savings or supplement your retirement pension, we have products designed to help you achieve your goals.

With our exclusive App, you can follow the progress of your savings and their performance in real time. In addition, you can carry out your transactions with total comfort and security, from anywhere and at any time.
Find the product that best suits your goals
Mutual funds
Our equity investment philosophy is
reflected in our mutual funds:
Pension Plans
Following our same long-term international investment strategy and designed to complement the retirement pension:
We are craftsmen of investments
Behind every decision are numerous hours of work, attention to detail and maximum dedication. Like a craftsman, we constantly seek excellence in every step of the way.
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