Horos news and

Read some of the news where we have been mentioned, as well as some of the interviews conducted with our managers. Also access quarterly letters for our co-investors, detailing the results obtained and other information of interest.

2019   Letters to co-investors
Letter to our co-investors 1Q19

Dear co-investor, We ended an important quarter of recovery in the markets, after the strong correction at the end of 2018. In this (almost) year of life of Horos, our co-investors, despite the high volatility of the markets, have continued…...

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2019   Letters to co-investors
Annual letter to our co-investors 4Q18

Dear co-investor, We end a year that has marked the beginning of a very exciting project for all of us who make up the Horos team. It has been a tough but very rewarding start, demanding many hours of work…...

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2018   Letters to co-investors
Letter to our co-investors 3Q18

Dear co-investor, This month, we continue with the series of quarterly communications started last July. If in the last letter we devoted an extensive part to explaining what it is for us to be a value investor, on this occasion…...

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2019   News
Investment Europe interviews Horos AM: “We eat what we cook”

On the same date that Spring arrived, Spain’s private equity firm Qualitas Equity Group launched Horos Asset Management, in which it owns a stake consisting of individual investments made by every partner of Qualitas who manages their own money....

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2018   Letters to co-investors
Letter to our co-investors 2Q18

Dear co-investor, Today we are starting a series of quarterly communications in which we will delve into different aspects of our understanding of investment, as well as the portfolios and different characteristics of our investment products....

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